We focus on the whole workflow from in-field sampling, to the lab and into the collections. In line with this we aim to build a species reference database with physical vouchers in the collections, photos and molecular data.
As Team Sampling we aim to streamline workflows involving sampling necessary for biodiversity monitoring. With field experts, involvement of other projects and collections we aim to find nearly all Dutch multicellular life, resolving in an estimated 300,000 specimens. Collecting and processing specimens involves a large variation of work processes that are often time consuming and not always user friendly. Various pilot projects will provide us with information about which segments in the whole pipeline are most time consuming and which are bottlenecks and necessary to tackle. All in order to build an online open source reference database which contains physical voucher specimens, photos, molecular data, and much more.
We need your help
In order to build a DNA reference database for all Dutch species, we're going to need all the help we can get from field experts, specialists and (amateur) collectors. You can read about it here, join us on the next Barcoding NL Day on September 2024 (Save the Date!) or email us with the button above.
Or find out more about our sampling process and sampling kits here.