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Become a sampler



In order to recognize all Dutch species, we first need to build a DNA reference library. For that, we need samples. And for those, we need all the help we can get. 


By sharing your samples with us, you contribute to the scietific research of biodiversity and nature conservation. Besides, we will share the DNA results of your samples with you. 

Which species do we still need?

There's roughly 45,000 eukaryotic species in the Netherlands. For about half of those, a DNA barcode exists. We have a target list of all the species that we still need.

But that doesn't mean that we just want anything if the species is on that list! As a collector you must have the correct permits and/or exemptions.


We accept most samples, except for samples:

  • without the proper metadata. Find out more!;

  • older than 10 years;

  • collected without the required permits or in breach of other laws;

  • that are not your property;

  • that have become unusable for molecular analysis due to handling or storage. Find out more!

How ARISE can facilitate you


The ARISE Sampling Kit contains everything you need in order to start collecting for ARISE. You can request one here. Do you need more or other materials for collecting specimens, please send us an e-mail. To provide us with the necessary metadata, you can make use of our online Sampling Tool ADA

What happens with your samples
and data?

Team Sequencing has the most modern DNA machines of the country. They process your sample into a DNA barcode of the species. After the lab work, your samples will be added to ARISE's scientific reference collection as voucher specimens.

Data about your specimens will be made accessible through the Naturalis Bioportal and GBIF. ​ The DNA data will be made available through Bold and Genbank, too. 


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