Collecting data
We have a special app for our sampling volunteers. Using it means you get the DNA data from your samples much quicker, and prevents unneccesary double sampling of (rare) specimens. Download a template for submitting the metadata here:
(Files will end up in your Downloads folder)
ARISE aims to sample about 350,000 samples. All of them require some data: where and when were they taken? Which species is it? Using our sampling tool or the ARISE spreadsheet templates linked above allows us to validate and process this data automatically. Therefore, we cannot accept other datasheets or systems. We'll tell you more about metadata for Arise on this page.
Registration code
All samples collected for ARISE get a unique registration code. Without it, we cannot process the sample. If you use our sampling kits, the codes are inside the box. Every specimen gets one code, which you can add to the tube, pin, etc. Do not put two samples in one tube, even though you think it is the same species. In the app, you enter the code together with all the other data about your sample.
If you're not using a sampling kit or you want to receive registration codes separately, please contact us: info@arise-biodiversity.nl

Data entry
The more information you provide, the better, but only some data is required.
Use the ADA sampling tool for insects and plants. You'll need an account, which comes with your first sampling kit.
If you have a lot of samples, or already have your metadata in a spreadsheet, you can also use the ARISE template spreadsheets (downloads on the top of this page). Do NOT add extra rows or columns because it mucks up the automatic registration, and be sure to read the first tab (readme) first. You can email the completed sheet to us at info@arise-biodiversity.nl
ARISE takes a high-quality image of each voucher specimen. We want to include at least one photo of each sample in the collection, and for some groups (such as mushrooms) more photos are better. In any case, take photos of specimens where characteristics are lost after collection (such as mushrooms and plants). You can upload them with your registrations in the ADA app.
If you are using the spreadsheet instead, you can email them to us together with
the sheet. In this case, provide photos as follows:
.JPG files only
They should have standardized names: SampleID_##.jpg
SampleID is the registration code you gave to your specimen, and
## is the number of the picture.
Example: if you took two pictures of a bug, they should be named
RMNH.00112233_01.jpg and RMNH.00112233_02.jpg.
No other additions or remarks in the file name.
Put the file names (or links) in the appropriate column in the spreadsheet.